Privacy Policy

1. General aspects

This is a personal non-commercial website. All its digital tools are intended to:

  • in the case of cookies, to improve the browsing experience;
  • in the case of javascript tags, to collect site usage statistics to monitor and improve it;
  • in the case of mailing lists (of voluntary subscription), to disseminate site’s publications.

All the information collected through these tools is anonymous; no personal identification is registered nor saved. No data collected is shared with third parties and even less for commercial purposes.

The owner of the website could send information about his activities and/or publications that generates personal income. Neverthelees, it is information expressly sent by him on his behalf, not in behalf of third parties.

2. Unsubscription

No emails are sent from the website email list to those who have not subscribed.

In case of considering you have received an email by mistake, you can find an ‘unsuscription’ button at the bottom of message received.